When you start a new business sometimes you get your planning to a certain point and then you just need to open for business and work the rest out later. So, when we started Goodness we took photos ourselves, between batches of granola, just to have any visual of the item. Then, we discovered that our niece, Abbey, loves taking food photos. Check out these before and after photos, what a difference! Thank you, Abbey!
Food Traceability
At Goodness we use unrefined flours and sugars (except in Badness). We also try to use organic, non-GMO, non-glyphosate, fair trade, and local when we can. We have been using One Degree oats which we can trace back to the originating farm in Alberta. We started adding a label to our products to let you know what farm your oats came from. Then BAM! Supply chain issues. After March, One Degree oats will no longer be available at Costco and the smaller bags are too cost prohibitive and have too much packaging waste. So...we are on the hunt for a Canadian bulk supplier that allows us to meet most of our criteria, including food traceability. Who knew that even small producers have big issues?
New Goodness!

Coconut Nectar Ambrosia
In ancient Greek myths, nectar is the drink of the gods and ambrosia is the food of the gods. Us mere mortals use the words nectar and ambrosia to describe something delicious, and this definitely falls into that category. The gods believed ambrosia would deliver longevity and immortality. That may be a stretch for these but they are a heavenly treat.
Made with low glycemic index coconut nectar and unsweetened unsulphured cherries. This is a sweet treat to nibble on that satisfies that afternoon craving.

Turmeric Maple Nuts
Nuts are rich in minerals and healthy fats and turmeric is anti-inflammatory. A great combo with just a hint of sweetness. Perfect for a quick snack or to take on a long hike.
Coming soon - energy balls, peanut butter cups, orange zest energy bars....
Honey, honey, how you thrill me, a-ha, honey, honey...
There have been so many warm days since the beginning of the year and the bees have been so active! When this happens early in the year we always worry because when the bees are more active they eat more of their honey stores. What if they run out of honey and start dying? So, it's going to be warmish on Saturday and I'm going to quickly lift the lid and give them some sugar fondant and a pollen patty.

Fondant is basically sugar water in the form of a thick paste. The bees convert the fondant to honey for food. This will sustain them until the nectar flow in late spring.

The pollen patty is just like the sugar fondant, but with 15% pollen. The bees feed pollen to the babies as a protein source. This well help ensure the bee colony is strong for the start of the year, until the dandelions emerge to provide pollen for the bees to collect.
This pollen patty photo is from Worker and Hive, an excellent supplier of everything bee related, including advice.
i am sooooo enjoying this web site... !!! thank you for all the words and photos and info... so much i knew i didnt know about bees.. but .. sooooooo much i really really had no ideas about bees.. and i am fascinated by bees... so thank you for all this effort.. its worth it!!! thank you for sharing...